Time To Start

For everything there is a season…

I thought about starting this blog in 2011 under the premise that we all have something of value to say and our thought may be of value to someone beyond our normal sphere of influence.  This thought has rattled around in my mind for a while but I never seemed to get around to doing something about it other than to grab the domain name.

This morning, for no particular reason, I felt the urge to finally stop thinking about doing something and actually just do it.  Perhaps it’s because my main computer crashed a few days ago and I’ve grown tired of working around the kludges of the temporary replacement machine I’m using until my new one arrives.  Maybe it’s due to the fact that my wife is out of town for a few days and I have time to kill.  Whatever the inspiration today is the day.

In the past I’ve allowed the search for perfection to stop me before I’ve even started.  Is the WP theme not the correct one? Well if my words are important what matters the layout initially?

Default images, ugh!!! Get started! The images can be replaced later.

Do people really want to read what you write?  Who cares? Write it anyway.  If one of your thoughts make one person a better person, a more knowledgeable person, a happier person, it is worth the effort.

Shouldn’t I have at least a couple of dozen thoughts penciled in before starting since I may run out of ideas? I don’t think that coming up with an idea a day will be a problem.  Having time to write them down might.

I will do my best to keep up with the them on this site, to give you one new idea every day.  Some ideas will be about life and our place in it.  Some about ways to either save or to make money.  Others will be reactions to specific events of the day.  All will be, to the extent I am able, without hidden agendas.

So what is my thought for today?

Why, Get Started, of course!

Choose one thing today that you have been putting off doing and get started on it.

In my particular case the one thing I have the hardest time getting started with is doing my tax return. I can’t remember the last time my taxes were done before the absolute final deadline. And I don’t really do my own taxes, my accountant does!  All I need to do is gather all the information together.

I am not the most organized person in the world. I probably have 80% of the information I need already.  Today I will get the last 20% completed.  I was going to say “I will try…” but I felt the need to go all Jedi-Master on you “Do or do not. There is no try.”.

Allocate one hour to work on your specific task without interruption. Don’t let any circumstances serve as excuse. Reward yourself at the end of the hour in some small way.

I can do it.  I know you can too!


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